
Course Description

Learn the basics for drawing and sketching including shadowing and dimensional features.


Drawing & Sketching Class By Joe Mraz

Basis Supply List

If you already have drawing supplies please bring them. During the first class I will go over supplies and discuss additional supplies you may need as the class progresses. PENCILS: You will need a minimum of pencils from hard to very soft, the hardness of the lead or graphite is indicated on the pencil.

H indicates hard and B indicates soft, there will also be a number associated with the letter the higher the number for an H pencil the harder the lead or graphite and the higher the number on a B pencil the softer the lead or graphite. At least a HB, or H, a 2B, 4B, 6B or 7B PENCIL SHARPENER: You will need a pencil sharpener see photos below, one pack has a sharpener and an eraser.

ERASER: You will need an eraser, Soft erasers work best see photo below SKETCHING BOOK: You will need a sketchbook See photo below 6”x9.5” or larger if you prefer.

RULER: A small ruler or straight edge for drawing straight lines and use in perspective drawing. All these items are available at Hobby Lobby

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